Monday, January 17, 2011

30 days of getting to know me. day five.

day 5 - a picture of your favorite memory.

 this picture is one of my favourite ever.  it captures a truly great evening perfectly.  the event was the wedding of our friends ryan and jasmine.
we were in Toronto for the last time before moving to France for the year, some friends were in from out of town, and we had an incredible send-off with these hilarious and ridiculously good looking people.
and a great hair day ;)

and! i have so many favourite memories that are not photographed.

sitting on my grandma's lap at her sewing machine, as we turned peach baskets into beds for my dolls.

screaming "go lisa go!" at my sister in the one second of silence before her dance performance and getting to see her whole body laugh from my view in the balcony.

playing lego with my brother.  flying kites with my dad.  baking cookies with my mom.  watching the magical model trains of my grandpa. and that's just before i turned 5. 
the list could go on and on - i am blessed with wonderful people in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Young and fun. Hang that one on the wall in your nursing home room to remind the staff that you really lived.


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